This article will show, how you can upgrade ubuntu version on the instance via CLI (Command Line Interface)

First make sure to create an instance and to log into the instance. Then follow the instructions below step by step and execute the commands in the terminal:

1) Display detailed information about the Linux distribution you are currently running on the instance. It provides information such as the distributor ID, release number, codename, and more.

lsb_release -a

​After executing "lsb_release -a" in the terminal you should see information displayed

After executing "lsb_release -a" in the terminal you should see information displayed

2) Update your package information

sudo apt update

3) Install latest versions of preinstalled packages

sudo apt upgrade -y

4) Install new packages, remove existing packages, and perform other system-level changes to resolve dependency conflicts

sudo apt dist-upgrade

5) Install the ‘update-manager-core’ package if it is not already installed

sudo apt install update-manager-core

6) Install the ‘ubuntu-release-upgrader-core’ package if it is not already installed

sudo apt install ubuntu-release-upgrader-core

7) Open & edit 'release-upgrades' file

sudo vim /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
  1. Press 'i' to go into insert mode

  2. Locate the line that displays "Prompt=never" and change it to "Prompt=lts"

  3. Press ‘esc’ to exit insert mode and type ':wq' to save & exit

8) Reboot the instance

sudo reboot

9) Again, log into the instance

10) Upgrade the Ubuntu operating system to a newer release version

sudo do-release-upgrade

11) You will be prompted ‘Do you want to continue?'. Type ‘y’ & press 'Enter’

Terminal output

Terminal output

12) Then again press 'Enter'

Terminal output

Terminal output 

13) Then, you will be prompted ‘Do you want to start the upgrade?'. Type 'y' & press 'Enter’

Terminal output

Terminal output 

14) Then, it will ask ‘Restart services during package upgrades without asking?'. Select 'Yes' & press 'Enter’

Update screen

Update screen 

15) Select ‘Country of origin for the keyboard’. Select 'Ok' & press 'Enter’

Update screen

Update screen 

16) Select the 'Keyboard layout' of your choice. Select 'Ok' & press 'Enter’

Update screen

Update screen 

17) Then, you will be prompted 'What do you want to do about modified configuration file sshd_config?'

  • Select 'install the package maintainer's version'. Then, select 'Ok' & press 'Enter'

Update screen 

18) It will ask 'Remove obsolete packages?'. Type 'y' & press 'Enter’

Terminal output

Terminal output 

19) You will see a message 'System upgrade is complete. Restart required'. Type 'y' & press 'Enter’

Terminal output

Terminal output 

20) Check detailed information of the ‘Upgraded Ubuntu’ OS on the instance

lsb_release -a

Terminal output after executing "lsb_release -a"

Terminal output after executing "lsb_release -a"

Congratulations, you have successfully upgraded Linux Ubuntu version on the instance.