Why create an instance
To use our services you need to create an instance first in order to use it. This means you will set everything up according to your needs, create the instance and then connect to it via SSH key.
Important: If you are using Genesis Cloud through public API, use our developers' guide here Getting Started
How to create an instance
Navigate to the instance creation page by clicking 'Create New Instance' in your console dashboard and complete the following steps:
Select the data center 'Location' that better suits your needs. More information on that are here.
Add a Linux 'Hostname' and 'Nickname' of your choice.
Select the 'Instance Type' you need (you can only use the amount of quota for each instance you were granted in the step before).
If needed, install the 'NVIDIA® GPU driver version 470 or 525 or 535' .
Now, select the preferred, preconfigured image (this depends on your use case, e.g. machine learning Using Machine Learning images ).
To access your instance securely at a later stage, add your set-up 'SSH Key' here or generate a 'Password'.
You can start with our standard security group or use a custom security group (learn how to set them up here).
Finally, choose if you want to have a 'Static IP' for your instance. This means that the public IP address will stay the same between start-stop events of your instance.
On the right side, you decide if you want to use the created instance 'On-demand' or as a 'Long-term'. Depending on the use case this choice can have some major impacts on the pricing.
Click on 'Create Instance' on the right side.
How to connect to your created instance
Creating the instance might take a few minutes. Once this step is done, you can connect to your instance via SSH key. Once you’re done with your usage, come back to the instance page and stop the instance.
One of our main claims is being accessible to our customers. This means we want you to focus on your project and set up the Genesis Cloud services in no time.
Important: If you're working from Linux / MacOS or via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Click here for the guide (to access instance). If you are working from Windows Click here for the guide (to access instance).