We have implemented new infrastructure, so our cloud service now supports creating instance with system disk larger than 80 GB. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an instance with a system disk size greater than 80 GB using our Public API. 


  1. Quota: Ensure you have a quota for "Volume SSD and Extended Boot Volume". If not, submit a quota request via the Console Dashboard.

  2. API Token: Ensure you have your API token for authentication.

  3. SSH Key ID: Ensure you have your SSH Key ID of the SSH Key by which you want to access to your instance (you can have multiple IDs to access the instance with different SSH Keys).

  4. Image ID: Select the appropriate Image ID for your instance.

  5. Instance Type: Choose the instance type that suits your needs (e.g., vcpu-4_memory-12g_nvidia-rtx-3080-1). For more information visit here: Instance Types

Once you have quota for “Volume SSD and Extended Boot Volume”, you can proceed with the following steps.

Step 1 - Open Your Terminal or Command Line Interface 

You will need to use a tool like curl to send API requests.

Step 2 - Compose the API Request
You will need to structure your API request to include the disk_size parameter with a value greater than or equal to 80. Below is a sample curl command to create an instance with a 100 GB system disk.

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: API_Token" \

     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

     -X POST https://api.genesiscloud.com/compute/v1/instances \

     -d '{

           "name": "test",

           "hostname": "test",

           "type": "vcpu-4_memory-24g_nvidia-rtx-3090-1",

           "disk_size": 100,

           "image": "Image_ID",

           "ssh_keys": ["SSH_Key_ID"],

           "region": "ARC-IS-HAF-1"


Step 3 - Replace the Placeholder Values

  • API_Token: Replace with your actual API token.

  • Image_ID: Replace with the ID of the image you want to use.

  • SSH_Key_ID: Replace with your actual SSH key ID.

  • name: Choose a name for your instance.

  • hostname: Set a hostname for your instance.

  • type: Select the instance type that fits your requirements.

  • disk_size: Set this to the desired size of your system disk (must be 80 GB or larger).

  • region: Choose the region where you want to create your instance.

Step 4 - Execute the Command
Run the curl command in your terminal. If everything is set up correctly, your instance will be created with a system disk larger than 80 GB.


Here's an example of how the command might look with actual values filled in:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: abcdef123456" \

     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

     -X POST https://api.genesiscloud.com/compute/v1/instances \

     -d '{

           "name": "test",

           "hostname": "test",

           "type": "vcpu-4_memory-24g_nvidia-rtx-3090-1",

           "disk_size": 100,

           "image": "img-12345678",

           "ssh_keys": ["ssh-12345678"],

           "region": "ARC-IS-HAF-1"


Additional Information

  • The disk_size parameter is specified in GB.

  • If the disk_size field is not set, the default disk size is 80 GB in Iceland and 120 GB in Norway.

  • Values less than 80 for disk_size are not permitted.

  • Only the additional disk size beyond 80 GB will be deducted from your "Volume SSD and Extended Boot Volume" quota in Iceland and for Norway it is 120 GB.

  • For example, if you set disk_size to 100 GB, only the additional 20 GB will be deducted from your quota.

  • Once your request is successfully executed, the instance will be created with the specified system disk size. You can verify this by checking the instance details in your Console Dashboard.

  • By following these steps, you will be able to create instances with a system disk larger than 80 GB using our Public API. For any further assistance, please refer to our API documentation or contact our support team.

To increase system disk size of an existing instance

Your API request should be formatted as shown below to increase the system disk size of an existing instance. Please ensure that you replace 'Your_API_Token', 'instance_id' and 'disk_size' values with the actual values:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: Your_API_Token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH https://api.genesiscloud.com/compute/v1/instances/instance_id -d '{"name": "new_name", "is_protected": true, "disk_size": 100}'

We recommend reviewing the following page for more information on increasing the system disk size of an existing instance: https://developers.genesiscloud.com/instances#update-an-instance