s3cmd is a versatile command-line tool designed for managing S3-compatible storage, offering functionalities for uploading and downloading objects.

In order to use s3cmd to upload or download your Objects, you should have already followed the steps here to create your Buckets. 

Install s3cmd:

On Ubuntu: 

If you’re using Ubuntu, you can installs3cmdfrom the default repositories using apt

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install s3cmd

On MacOS: 

For macOS users, the easiest way to installs3cmdis through Homebrew: 

brew install s3cmd

If you want to verify s3cmd installation, you can do it by running: 

s3cmd --version

This command should return the version ofs3cmdthat you've installed, indicating that the installation was successful.


Initialize s3cmd Configuration:

To begin configuring s3cmd for use with Genesis Cloud, initiate the configuration process by running:

s3cmd --configure

Access & Secret Keys

Refer to our previous article for details on obtaining your Access Key and Secret Key. During the configuration process, when prompted for these keys, input the ones you generated for Genesis Cloud access.

  • Access Key: (Refer to the previous article for obtaining your Access Key)
  • Secret Key: (Refer to the previous article for obtaining your Secret Key)

Set arc-is-haf-1 as the Default Region when prompted.

Configuring Endpoint and Bucket Access

When it comes to setting the S3 Endpoint, you can find the endpoint specific to their region directly in our UI and copy it from there. This information is essential for configuring s3cmd correctly.

How to copy endpoint

How to copy endpoint

DNS-style Bucket Access: For accessing your buckets, use the endpoint URL followed by /%(bucket). This format allows s3cmd to correctly resolve the full URL for bucket access.

Finalize Configuration

Complete the setup by proceeding through the remaining prompts. The default settings should suffice for most users, but you can adjust as needed:

  • Encryption: If you wish to encrypt your files, specify an encryption password.
  • GPG Program Path: Enter /opt/homebrew/bin/gpg or the correct path to your GPG program.
  • Use HTTPS Protocol: Set this to True for secure connections.
  • HTTP Proxy: If applicable, configure your proxy settings.

After completing these steps, your s3cmd is configured for use with Genesis Cloud. You can now begin managing your cloud storage with s3cmd commands.

Example of Configuration: 

New settings:
  Access Key: 8d384-....-8b06f
  Secret Key: GCOSU-....-b3P
  Default Region: arc-is-haf-1
  S3 Endpoint: s3.arc-is-haf-1.genesiscloudusercontent.com
  DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket: s3.arc-is-haf-1.genesiscloudusercontent.com/%(bucket)
  Encryption password:
  Path to GPG program: /opt/homebrew/bin/gpg
  Use HTTPS protocol: True
  HTTP Proxy server name:
  HTTP Proxy server port: 0

Upload Your Objects to a Bucket

In order to upload Objects to your Bucket, first list all the Buckets you have using:

s3cmd ls

and get the name of the Bucket where you want to upload the file.

Use the s3cmd put command to upload your file to the bucket as follows:


Replace FILENAME with the name of the file you're uploading, BUCKETNAME with the name of your Bucket, and PATH/TO/DESTINATION with the desired path within your bucket where the file will be stored. If you don't specify a path, the file will be placed in the bucket's root directory.

  1. Example: To upload a file named example.txt to the root of a bucket named my-genesis-cloud-bucket, you would use:

  2. s3cmd put example.txt s3://my-genesis-cloud-bucket/
  3. If you want to upload the file to a folder named docs within the bucket, you'd use:

  4. s3cmd put example.txt s3://my-genesis-cloud-bucket/docs/

s3cmd will show a progress indicator during the upload and notify you once the file has been successfully uploaded.

Download Your Objects from a Bucket

Use the s3cmd get command to download your file from the bucket as follows:


Replace BUCKETNAME with the name of your Genesis Cloud bucket, PATH/TO/FILE/FILENAME with the path and filename of the file you wish to download, LOCALFILEPATH with the path where you want to save the file locally. If you only specify a filename, s3cmd will save the file in the current directory.

Example: To download a file named example.txt from a folder named docs in a bucket called my-genesis-cloud-bucket to your current directory, you'd use:

s3cmd get s3://my-genesis-cloud-bucket/docs/example.txt ./example.txt

This command tells s3cmd to download example.txt from your specified bucket and folder and save it as example.txt in your current directory.

s3cmd will show a progress indicator during the download and notify you once the file has been successfully downloaded.